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Portland Sustainability Series
May 27, 2020 @ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Virtual Event Film Screening & Discussion
Once upon a time, massive fish migrations were observed yearly around the globe. Civilizations and wildlife revolved around these natural wonders and depended on them for survival. For millennial, we have relied on rivers as a source of food, recreation, and energy. Unfortunately, many of these natural, free-flowing rivers have deteriorated as generations pass. Love Flows brings to life the challenges that voiceless rivers and fishes face against threats, but more importantly, it focuses on what we are doing to help improve the situation. Click here to watch the film.
This inspiring film by award-winning director Francisco Campos-Lopez and narrated by TNC Maine’s Senior Conservation Scientist Joshua Royte is about how restoration of our rivers is a critical part of the work to heal our planet.
Join us for a virtual screening and discussion of the film with a panel of river restoration experts including the film’s narrator, The Nature Conservancy in Maine’s Senior Scientist, Joshua Royte. Josh will be joined by Ben Matthews, Watershed Restoration Scientist at The Nature Conservancy and Michael Shaughnessy, Friends of the Presumpscot River.
Event Information: Join us via Zoom
You will find yourself in a waiting room when you first enter the Zoom gathering. If you arrive early, you will remain in the waiting room until the host admits you to the program at 5:30.
You are welcome to have your video on or off for this program – your choice! Please be aware, however, that all other participants will be able to see you if your video is on, and this program will be recorded. By entering into the Zoom program, you are agreeing to have your image captured and shared by Portland Public Library.
All microphones will be automatically muted by the host. If you would like to participate in the Q&A, you can send your question to the host via Zoom’s chat feature.
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891 0225 6787
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Film Narrator & Guest Speaker: Joshua Royte
Joshua currently works at The Nature Conservancy in Maine. Joshua does conservation planning and development and interpretation of the science that guides the Maine Chapter’s land acquisition, river restoration, and other strategies that address our biodiversity and the impacts we’re having on it. He also serves on the board of the World Fish Migration Foundation raising awareness of the value of free flowing rivers and migratory fish and seeking new ways to reconnect rivers and connect people to these often forgotten resources and places of wonder.