Join us on #GivingTuesday

On this global day of unity and giving, ask yourself, what will you do today that tomorrow will thank you for?  In this time of uncertainty, there's a fundamental truth that gives us hope - that together we can do extraordinary things. With your support we can continue to move forward, creating, innovating and building …

COP26 and Maine – One Mainer’s Adventure at the UN Climate Change Conference

In November, the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow will headline the global policy stage. What does this meeting of heads of state, policy makers, scientists, faith, business, and community leaders mean for collective climate action? How are decisions made that lead to landmark agreements like the Paris Climate Accords? And what can COP26 …

Where Does Your Trash & Recycling End Up?

Is your New Year’s resolution to reduce your waste? Join us for a fun and informational program with ecomaine senior environmental educator Katrina Bussiere-Venhuizen to learn what happens to the trash and recycling that leaves your house or transfer station each week. Portland Sustainability Series: Where Does Your Trash & Recycling End Up? Wednesday, Jan. 26th, …

One Climate Future – What We’ve Accomplished & What We’re Planning

The Portland City Council adopted One Climate Future, a 30 year plan to transition Portland to clean renewable energy while preparing the community to be resilient in the face of inevitable climate impacts.  Portland’s Sustainability Director, Troy Moon, will join us to share accomplishments from the past year and share upcoming initiatives designed to achieve …

Environmental Priorities Coalition: Advocating for Maine’s Environment

It's not always easy to figure out which of the hundreds of bills working their way through the Maine Legislature have the most potential to protect Maine's environment, public health, and clean energy future. That's where Maine's Environmental Priorities Coalition (EPC) comes in! This partnership of 37 environmental, conservation, and public health organizations has identified …

Portland’s Rooftop Nesting Herring Gulls

Several years ago Dr. Noah Perlut (UNE) noticed that Herring Gulls were nesting on building ledges and rooftops in downtown Portland – including on the roof of PPL’s Downtown Library! – rather than on their traditional island nesting-grounds. He also noticed that the Gulf of Maine population of this seemingly-common species was declining by approximately …

PFAS Contamination in Maine Lands and Waters

Join us for a virtual panel discussion about PFAS contamination in Maine moderated by Maine Public Statehouse Correspondent Kevin Miller. Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals used in manufacturing and in consumer products that have found their way into Maine soils, water, and wildlife through both industrial and agricultural processes. In …

Relearning Place Convening – Application deadline April 1st

For the past three years, the Relearning Place Program has been doing a lot of learning, research, and relationship building. What started as an idea with Southern Maine Conservation Collaborative's 2019 Summer Associates, Red Fong and Lily Nygren, has become a fully-fledged program with its first public event taking place May 31-June 2, 2022 at …

Outdoors for All

Maine Public Health Association (MPHA) is hosting Enock Glidden for a (virtual) presentation about Outdoors for All. As a lifelong resident of Maine and a disabled adventurer, Enock Glidden has made it his life's mission to explore the world. He has had the opportunity to experience a wide array of physical activities. From downhill skiing to scaling …

BTS Summer Arts Series July 26th & July 28th – Registration is now open!

The BTS Center is pleased to present our third annual Summer Arts Series - Listening to the World’s Edge. During this two-part series, we will engage the music of the Halcyon String Quartet and the artwork of Jill Pelto to surface questions — and ultimately our own embodied responses — about what it means to …