Maine Humanities Council and SMCC’s Summer Discussion Project

What better time than now to grapple with big questions like: Who are we? Where are we? How did we get here? Where might we be going?… and How do we get there from here? SMCC members are invited to join the last of our 3 rich discussions grounded in readings that foreground the opportunities …

Portland Sustainability Series

Portland Sustainability Series featuring Portland Trails with guest speaker Nathan Smith. On August 30th 1993, the land that was to become the Eastern Prom Trail passed into public ownership. Nathan Smith, noted at the celebration a few days later ‘ One hundred years from now, this land will have been on the market once in 247 …

Portland Sustainability Series

Join Linda Woodard, Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center Director, for this in-depth look at the birds of Maine's largest saltmarsh. Participants will not only learn about these birds but will, also, receive some tips on identification and where to find them. Hundreds of bird species use this unique ecosystem as a migratory stop over, summer nesting …

Future Focus

Speaker Series Featuring Maine's Youth Climate Justice Activists Young adults throughout Maine are innovating, organizing, and leading efforts to connect and address the most pressing social and environmental issues we face, and many have garnered statewide, national, and international recognition and accolades.  Join us for a youth-led monthly webinar series highlighting youth climate justice activists …

Portland Sustainability Series

One Climate Future, Charting a Course for Portland and South Portland Normally held the fourth Wednesday of the month, the November edition of the series has been moved to the first week of December due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Virtual Event via Zoom from 5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m. - Click here for Zoom info Our businesses, …

Future Focus

Speaker Series Featuring Maine's Youth Climate Justice Activists Young adults throughout Maine are innovating, organizing, and leading efforts to connect and address the most pressing social and environmental issues we face, and many have garnered statewide, national, and international recognition and accolades.  Join us for a youth-led monthly webinar series highlighting youth climate justice activists …

Portland Sustainability Series

Preserving land and history: the story of Bishop Healy's cottage on Little Diamond Island. Earlier this year, the Oceanside Conservation Trust preserved two significant waterfront lots on Little Diamond Island. Although today the lots are covered with mature woods and look as if they have always been so, in fact one of them was once …

Future Focus: Class and race in rural areas.

Speaker Series Featuring Maine's Youth Climate Justice Activists Young adults throughout Maine are innovating, organizing, and leading efforts to connect and address the most pressing social and environmental issues we face, and many have garnered statewide, national, and international recognition and accolades.  Join us for a youth-led monthly webinar series highlighting youth climate justice activists …

Portland Sustainability Series

Water World – Portland Water District and the Natural and Built Infrastructure for Treating and Managing Water. Join us for a discussion with Portland Water District environmental manager Paul Thomas Hunt about the natural and built systems involved in local and regional water management. In reality, water manages itself. Drops of water are carried in …

Future Focus: Creativity and Climate Action with Jess Cooper

Speaker Series Featuring Maine's Youth Climate Justice Activists Young adults throughout Maine are innovating, organizing, and leading efforts to connect and address the most pressing social and environmental issues we face, and many have garnered statewide, national, and international recognition and accolades.  Join us for a youth-led monthly webinar series highlighting youth climate justice activists …