Schedule an Introductory Call 

The Momentum Relearning Cohort is an experiential learning program grounded in our organization’s belief that solutions forged together are more lasting and effective. 

This year-long program will feature three months of collaborative design to help organizations identify an organizational-specific, six months of shared learning to provide tools and processes for shifting organizational culture and building equitable practices, and three months of implementation and evaluation.

The Momentum Relearning Cohort is designed to build relationships, provide emancipatory education, and sow the seeds for an intersectional approach to conservation. Its design pulls from Momentum’s programs and experiences learning from others, including our Shifting Organization Culture series, Relearning Place Program, and Equity in Conservation Cohort, and work with organizations like Finding Freedom, Wabanaki REACH, and First Light Learning Journey.

We hope that through this program, participants will gain competency in:

  • Shifting towards abundance mindsets in decision-making
  • Humanizing conflict and making space for dissent
  • Making space for process over product and prioritizing relational health
  • Engaging in community care practices and taking accountability and responsibility

Some key curriculum areas will include:

  • Organization Culture
  • Equitable Hiring and Compensation Practices
  • Incorporating Land Justice
  • Equitable Evaluation and Assessment

Timing and Expectations

This year-long program will feature three months of collaborative design to help organizations identify an organizational-specific goal, six months of shared learning to provide tools and processes for shifting organizational culture and building equitable practices, and three months of implementation and evaluation.

The first three meetings are pre-scheduled and will be:

  • September 18th from 2-4 PM
  • October 16th from 12-5 PM (IN PERSON)
  • November 20th from 2-4 PM

This cohort will have have monthly engagements, usually via Zoom, for two hours each month, with up to two hours of additional reading or reflection time outside of meetings. There will be two to three in-person meetings throughout the duration of the program. The program will culminate in a period of evaluation and reflection in August 2025.

As part of the design of this program, the organization must agree to participate and engage with the content. This means that work done by organizational representatives through this program must have space and buy-in from other members of the organization for implementation. The program will support the organization and its representative participants in incorporating these learnings.

If you are interested in participating in the program, we ask that you schedule an introductory call with our Organizational Culture Learning Manager, Red Fong, using this booking page